
















山行記録: ほおのき平~烏帽子岳北西尾根~乗鞍岳スキー場
2025年03月20日(3日間) 槍・穂高・乗鞍, 積雪期ピークハント/縦走 / yoneyamaの山行記録

Igloo Night in the Storm Zone at Norikura-dake (Elevation 2,640m)

Crossing Norikura-dake on a Unique Route in Fierce Winds

During a spring weather pattern with intense winds, I traversed Norikura-dake via a unique route. My partner’s long-established route design follows a ridge leading directly up to the sharp peak of Eboshi-dake. We spent nearly ten hours breaking trail through beautiful coniferous forests before reaching the volcanic plateau at the summit, where we entered the storm zone. A tent (not that we had one) would have been blown away for sure.

Roof Collapsing in the Wind → Ski Roof Construction

The Norikura Skyline road was covered in blue ice, requiring ice screws for traction. We found a snowdrift with packable snow deep enough for a saw to cut through, and we began constructing our igloo there. The first row of blocks was easy to carve, but beneath that was solid blue ice. We widened the block supply area, transported them, and stacked them.

Around the third row, we attempted to place long blocks as a roof, but the wind knocked them down the moment we looked away. Every time they fell, they snapped in half. After this happened three times, we switched to using skis and poles as beams. That worked like a charm, and the roof was up in no time.

Double Layering the Windward Side to Seal Gaps

Unlike usual, I couldn’t afford to leisurely fill in the gaps. On the windward side, I added an extra exterior wall for a double-thickness defense. Even so, the powder snow carried by the ground blizzard kept infiltrating through the cracks—just like what happened to me on Mt. Fuji before.

My partner was busy collecting blocks at first, but soon, his face was covered in frost formations (sastrugi), and his glasses became useless. The wind-driven snow kept striking his eyes, blinding him from looking upwind. I had him wait under a bivy sack, though even that was a struggle to keep from being blown away.

Bivy sack Sticking to the Wall Thanks to Bernoulli’s Principle

Inside the igloo, snow was still blowing in from the gaps. But when we wrapped ourselves in a bivy sack, something curious happened—it clung to the walls without any support. The fast-moving wind outside created lower pressure compared to the inside, making the tarp stick to the surface. It was a real-life demonstration of Bernoulli’s principle—the same aerodynamic effect that makes an airplane wing generate lift. I’ve been interested in aeronautical engineering since middle school, so I recognized it immediately.

Bernoulli’s effect lasted until morning. But I sure wished the wind would die down sooner…

The Igloo Filled with Snow, but at Least the Wind Was Just Noise

The snow that blew in between the walls and the bivy sack kept creeping inside. Snow piled up on both sides, covered my sleeping bag, and eventually fell underneath me, melted from my body heat, and turned into a freezing puddle. I shivered all night, but it wasn’t life-threatening.

The wind occasionally slammed against the igloo like a powerful punch. I had simulated an emergency plan in case the walls collapsed, but fortunately, they held.

I lit my stove on my lap, only drank multiple cups of milk tea, and skipped both dinner and breakfast. By morning, the wind was still howling. I stuffed my soaking wet sleeping bag into my backpack, had to bite the bullet and push through the storm to reach safety.The visibility was a blessing. Under clear but violently windy skies, we descended to safety. The trip was only half of what we planned, but given the conditions, that was inevitable. More than anything, I felt deeply satisfied that we managed to push through.

Building an Igloo in Strong Winds with Minimal Snow

I had encountered similar conditions before on Mt. Fuji. There, with little snow, we had to stack flimsy blocks while an endless stream of granular snow particles tumbled through the gaps. That time, my companions swore they were done with igloos for good.

This time, the bivy sack inside made it somewhat bearable, though certainly not comfortable. A larger tarp might have helped if we had stretched it over the exterior, but anchoring it on blue ice would have required screws, and the wind would likely have shredded it anyway.

Of course, the best option would be to avoid camping in such places. But mountains don’t always follow orders. When faced with the unexpected, you just have to make do with what you have.


