


テーピングテープでシール剥がれを処置。数時間は持つ。赤いシリコンベルトは厚い手袋でも操作できてとても重宝。針金で固定する仕掛けを作ったけど、金属疲労で折れた。横ずれもして外れる。In cold temperatures, ski skins can cause issues. I use taping tape to secure peeling skins—it lasts for a few hours. The red silicone belt is extremely useful as it can be operated even with thick gloves. I once made a mechanism to secure the skins with wire, but the metal fatigued and broke. It also shifted sideways and detached.



止め金具が横ずれしないようにグラインダーで溝を切ったTo prevent the metal clip from shifting sideways, I used a grinder to carve a groove into the tail end of the ski.



針金は耐久性が無いので丸ゴムにしてみた。Since wire lacks durability, I replaced it with an elastic cord.



Troubles with Ski Skins in Low Temperatures

When temperatures drop below around -15°C, adhesive skins stop sticking because fine powder snow adheres to the glue surface, preventing them from attaching to the skis. This is especially problematic during ski tours that involve repeated ascents and descents, as the ability to quickly attach and remove skins is crucial. If skins fail to stick, even a small uphill section becomes impassable. I wrap taping tape or a silicone belt around the skins to deal with this issue. A few years ago, I heard a news story about someone who panicked upon facing this problem and called for rescue, unaware of these countermeasures.

Back when I was a student at Hokkaido University (40 years ago), skins were belt-fastened rather than adhesive, so this issue didn’t exist. However, adhesive skins have become the mainstream, and belt-fastened skins are now almost impossible to find.

Even with adhesive skins, it would be ideal if they came with a belt. However, many skins have a poorly designed tail section that lacks a way to secure it once it starts peeling. I wonder how others handle this. Do backcountry skiers remove their skins after one descent and never reattach them? Or do they simply not expect to ski in extreme winter conditions? Maybe they’re unaware of the issue due to fewer extremely cold days caused by global warming.

I modified my skis by cutting the tail and attaching a rubber band to the skin’s tail.

I used to make similar modifications back when belt-fastened skins were common. I cut a notch into the ski tail to prevent the metal hook from shifting sideways, then secured the skins with round rubber to prevent peeling. Nowadays, electric grinders make cutting notches in skis much easier. If elastic cord isn’t strong enough, I’ll try using a bicycle inner tube. Last time, I used wire, but repeated use caused metal fatigue, leading it to snap. Additionally, without a notch, the clip shifted sideways and detached easily.

Modifying and improving gear is enjoyable.

