
4月25日の残雪期ですが、こんなふうにキチッキチのキトラ古墳みたいなやつも苦労なく作ります。でも気温が高くて、夜中に屋根は溶け落ちてしまいました。On April 25, during the late snow season, I was able to easily create a tight, precise structure—like the Kofun tombs at Kitora. However, due to the warm temperatures, the roof melted and collapsed overnight.

Back to the Igloo and Ski Adventures After Half a Year
In the spring of 2024, I retired and gained my freedom. Igloo and ski-based extended mountain trips are my absolute favorites. Now that I’m 60, I know there’s a limit to how much weight I can carry on long journeys, but in exchange, I’ve gained free time. I plan to tackle some lesser-known mountainous areas, putting into action the long mountain routes I’ve been mapping out. It’s not that I prefer going solo, but finding people with matching schedules isn’t easy.
My last blog post left off on a “postponed departure” note for a long expedition along the Shinetsu border. I eventually did set out, but the mild winter and snow shortage—and being about two weeks late—led me to descend just before the dense kuma-zasa bamboo area in the second half. The snowmelt marked the end of the trek. Although there’s a certain satisfaction in completing such a trip in one go, I’d like to tackle the second half starting from Yuzawa this winter. There are still some untouched big peaks left. The deep forest and lakes of the Shiga Highlands in the first half were absolutely stunning. For records of the journey, please see the details upper link.
Report for Summer 2024
During the summer, I successfully climbed several unexplored peaks in Shinshu via valley routes. For instance, I ascended Mount Chausu (in the Central Alps) by traversing three ancient mountain passes and visiting mountain villages from Narai-juku in Kiso, absorbing a drop from the headwaters of the Narai River. I also climbed Mount Kyogatake from the Yokokawa Valley, which still carries the scent of Yoshinaka Kiso’s hidden fortress.
With the theme of “cross-border,” I tackled Kimenzan, Shakujōdake, Mushikura Mountain, Moriyasan, and climbed over Misayama. While hiking with the younger member of the mountain club, I followed unique routes to intriguing, unexplored summits on Zarugatake in Yamanashi prefecture, making it a satisfying summer.
However, I regrettably had to cancel two long multi-day valley trips with friends during the Obon holiday and extended weekends due to health issues. Unfortunately, the climbing activities ended up concentrated in early and late summer, while I completely lost my desire to hike during the extreme heat, instead focusing on reading. For more detailed records of my climbs, please see upper link.
This Season’s Igloo Workshop
Thank you to those who have already reached out about this season’s igloo workshop. The group sessions for February and March are fully booked. For individuals or small groups interested, we will once again be holding igloo workshops hosted by the Matsumoto Mountain Forum this year. The sessions are scheduled for Saturday, February 15, and Saturday, March 8. I don’t think the forum has started taking applications yet, but I’ll post an update here once registration opens. The workshop itself is a one-day event on Saturday, but participants are free to stay overnight or go hiking afterward. As for the location, we hope to hold it at Norikura Ski Resort in Matsumoto City as usual, but recent news mentioned that the resort may suspend operations this season. However, there are also reports suggesting they might still open, so the venue is currently undecided.
Conditions Suitable for an Igloo “Workshop”
With 30 cm of snow, I’m confident I could build and stay in an igloo anywhere, but for a workshop, I want all participants to successfully complete their own igloo. Ideally, we need a place that can support the creation of 10-30 igloos in close proximity, with enough well-compacted snow in a suitable high-altitude area. Additionally, since we’ll be focusing on instruction, it’s helpful to have a lift for easier access to save time on the approach. We also prefer locations that aren’t too remote, as the workshop is open to those new to winter mountain conditions. For these reasons, we usually choose areas near the upper ski resort stations. Some resorts have strict regulations regarding mountain access and nearby accommodations, so we select locations that meet these requirements. Norikura and Goryu-Toomi ski resorts have always been supportive in this regard, which is very helpful. While we choose accessible locations for the workshop, when you’re practicing on your own, it’s best to find a spot away from people, rather than near a ski resort. I encourage you to create your own “igloo heaven” line!
Looking forward to another great season with you all!