
どうすか?かるかた雪ってのは軽いからこんなに大きくても持ち上がるのです。固くて丈夫だからこんな無茶な積み方でもOKです。What is karukata snow?Because it’s light, you can lift large blocks like this.Because it’s firm and sturdy, you can stack them in seemingly impossible ways.

かるかた雪の長細ブロックなら、わずか数段で、見かけ上、背の低いイグルーができます。With long, narrow blocks of karukata snow, you can quickly build what appears to be a short igloo in just a few layers.

いちばんやりたいこと・イグルーの窓から飽かず絶景を見ることThe Ultimate Goals:
Enjoying the stunning view through the igloo window

いちばんやりたいこと:イグルーの中でおいしいもん作って仲間とたべること これはですね、ベトナム屋台料理のエビバナナフライナンプラー浸しです。The Ultimate Goals:Cooking delicious food inside the igloo and sharing it with friends.This time, she made Vietnamese-style shrimp & banana fries soaked in fish sauce.
1 トレンチの深さが浅い(20cmとか)となかなかできない → ノコの長さいっぱい(30〜40cm)の深さで切る
2 長いブロックが折れてしまう → ノコで切れ目を完全に入れて、ブロックを切り離してからスコップを使う
3 始めの範囲が広すぎの人、狭過ぎの人 → 始めに指摘するべきだったかも。できるけど時間がかかる
4 表面50センチほどのの柔らかい雪層のブロックはじゃがいも型になりやすいので、バンバン捨ててもらう。
5 二段目以上の積み方、ブロックが直立積みになりがち→良いブロックは取れているので一度解体して、内側に攻めるように組み直せば、すぐ屋根ができるくらい差がつく

参加者29人、ひとり風邪で来られず。みな楽しそうで、うれしかったです。We had 29 participants, though one couldn’t attend due to illness. Everyone seemed to have a great time, which made me really happy!
Igloo Workshop @ Gakuto Matsumoto Mountain Forum in February
Thank you always for your inquiries about the igloo workshop! This past weekend, we held the first of two sessions as part of the “Gakuto Matsumoto Mountain Forum,” a mountaineering training series sponsored by Matsumoto City. This time, we conducted the workshop near Jizo-no-Kashira on the Tōmi Ridge in Hakuba Village.
The weather was perfect—clear skies with no wind—and we had a breathtaking view spanning from the Southern Alps to Kubiki and Mt. Naeba. The snow depth was about 2 meters, with the top 50 cm being soft, but underneath, we found the ideal “karukata snow” (light yet firm snow). I believe all participants experienced the joy of working with this type of snow. We were able to cut long blocks just as we wanted!
Key Learnings from This Session
- Trench depth matters – If it’s too shallow (e.g., 20 cm), building becomes difficult. Cut to the full length of the saw (30–40 cm) for better results.
- Preventing broken blocks – Make sure to cut all the way through with the saw before using a shovel to lift them out.
- Starting size mistakes – Some people made their initial igloo area too large, others too small. Giving early guidance could have helped, as both cases were doable but took extra time.
- Dealing with soft snow layers – The top 50 cm of soft snow tends to form potato-shaped blocks, so I had participants discard them liberally.
- Stacking technique for second layers and beyond – Blocks tend to be stacked vertically, but if you take a moment to reposition them slightly closer inward, you can quickly form a roof with a significant difference in structure stability.